Live visuals
We love creating animations for live events such as concerts and musem exhibitions. We can have fun with experimental and sensory designs.
Nicky Jam Visuals
Nicky Jam's worldwide tour in 2018 featured some visuals created by LaFinka.
The Masked Singer Australia Live visuals
We had a lot of fun creating some of the visuals for The Masked Singer Australia! Season 3
Mi Gente - J Balvin
My people! J Balvin taked the internet by storm with his song "Mi Gente", featuring rapper Willy William. LaFinka worked alongside 36Grados and developed some of the visual effects you can and can't see in the video! We also worked on some cool styleframes that didn't made the cut, but that you can check out below. Check out the video here.
We created visual animations based by the stunning paintings of Vanessa Inkamala, paying homage to the natural beauty of the West MacDonnell Ranges in Australia.
Laberintos / Live visual
The mola is a multilayered textile art form and metaphor for the story of the Guna, indigenous people from Panama. We created this video for a museum in this country where we wanted the audience to be immersed in the Mola’s dreamlike universe.
The mola art is practiced by all the women in the Guna community. It not only depicts their artistic and naturalistic knowledge but also their deepest representations of their culture, their history and their relationships with the western world.
The mola art is practiced by all the women in the Guna community. It not only depicts their artistic and naturalistic knowledge but also their deepest representations of their culture, their history and their relationships with the western world.