Animated short film
'Mariposas' is a Colombian animated short film directed by Andrés Gómez Isaza and Mauricio Leiva-Cock. It tells the personal story of Bea, the mother of Andrés Gómez, who fought against cancer with great strength, optimism and spirituality.
Mariposas won the Special Prize “City of Annecy Award” in the Festival international du film d'animation d'Annecy (2018) and Won "Best Animation" at Australia Independent Film Festival. Brisbane.
The short film is produced by an alliance between LaFinka Studio (Medellín), Fidelio Films (Colombia) and Mediafisch Storyteller (Switzerland), supported by the Swiss Cancer League.
Mariposas won the Special Prize “City of Annecy Award” in the Festival international du film d'animation d'Annecy (2018) and Won "Best Animation" at Australia Independent Film Festival. Brisbane.
The short film is produced by an alliance between LaFinka Studio (Medellín), Fidelio Films (Colombia) and Mediafisch Storyteller (Switzerland), supported by the Swiss Cancer League.
If you want to have a look at the animation, please send us an e mail to [email protected] and we are more than happy to share a private link : )
-Zurich Film Festival - Switzerland
-La Truca. Cali - Colombia
-BOGOSHORTS Bogotá-Colombia
-Animation Short Film Festival of Catalonia - Animac. Cataluña- España
-FICCI. Cartagena-Colombia
-International Film and Video Festival of Athens. Ohio-EEUU
-Festival international du film d'animation d'Annecy. Annecy - Francia WINNER “City of Annecy Award”.
-3D WIRE. Segovia -España
-Animasyros International Animation Festival + Agora. Hermoupolis - Grecia
-Thessaloniki Animation Festival. Thessaloniki - Greece
-Australia Independent Film Festival. Brisbane - Australia. WINNER "Best Animation"
-International Hollywood Short Film Festival. Hollywood- USA
-La Truca. Cali - Colombia
-BOGOSHORTS Bogotá-Colombia
-Animation Short Film Festival of Catalonia - Animac. Cataluña- España
-FICCI. Cartagena-Colombia
-International Film and Video Festival of Athens. Ohio-EEUU
-Festival international du film d'animation d'Annecy. Annecy - Francia WINNER “City of Annecy Award”.
-3D WIRE. Segovia -España
-Animasyros International Animation Festival + Agora. Hermoupolis - Grecia
-Thessaloniki Animation Festival. Thessaloniki - Greece
-Australia Independent Film Festival. Brisbane - Australia. WINNER "Best Animation"
-International Hollywood Short Film Festival. Hollywood- USA
Early Styleframes
The Characters
Written and Directed by:
Andres Gomez Isaza Mauricio Leiva Cock Producers: Andres Gomez Isaza Mauricio Leiva Cock Bjorn Hering Coproducers: David Figueroa Garcia Mauro Mueller Executive Producer: Mark Raso Animation by: LaFinka |
Animation Director:
Andres Gomez Isaza Storyboards and Compositing: Andres Gomez Isaza Alejandra Arboleda Tilano Additional Animation: Ivanof Martinez Eri Pedrozo Music by: Jorge Leiva - Miss Colombia Sound Design and Post-production: Manuel Castaño |